Ralls FFA
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Competitive Events
Ralls FFA members compete in a number of competitive events throughout the year. We begin our year in the Fall with Leadership Development Events, or LDEs. LDEs include FFA Creed Speaking, Chapter Conducting, FFA Quiz, Agricultural Skills Demonstration, Job Interview, Ag Advocacy, Farm Broadcasting, and Public Relations. In the winter and early spring, Ralls FFA members travel across the state of Texas to exhibit their livestock projects. Ralls FFA members attend livestock shows from the Crosby County Livestock Show, to Ft. Worth, San Antonio, San Angelo, Houston, and Austin. Just after Spring break is time for Career Development Events, or CDEs! Sometimes called "judging contests", CDEs include Livestock Evaluation, Meats Evaluation, Wool Evaluation, Land Judging, and many more. Once CDEs wrap up in the late spring, Ralls FFA members gear up for the Public Speaking Contests, which include Extemporaneous Speaking, Prepared Speaking, and Soil Stewardship.


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